Kick-start your career with a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship!

Kick-start your career with a school-based appreenticeship or traineeship

Event details

Where: Live boradcast via Zoom

When: Wednesday 26 August, 4.30pm


Are you in year 10, 11 or 12 and looking to kick-start your career and discover what opportunities are waiting for you? Or do you know someone who wants to get a head start on their career whilst completing their schooling?

Join us for this live panel broadcast this National Skills Week and hear firsthand from some of Apprenticeship Careers Australia’s School-based Apprentices and Trainees! Hosted by journalist Kate Creedon, we’ll explore how they got started with their apprenticeship or traineeship as they share their own experiences. We’ll also cover where you can go to get started or find out more information.

Don’t worry! You won’t be on camera.

Click here to watch the video from the live panel broadcast!

