Encouraging women to join the automotive industry

Posted on 13/07/2023
Apprenticeship Careers Australia (ACA) has secured a Connecting Women to Trades grant, funded by the NSW Government. The grant is focussed on increasing female participation in trades. With three key goals in mind, ACA has developed the Women in Auto (WIA) program to facilitate a minimum of 50 female placements into Automotive Apprenticeships across NSW. 

To increase the accessibility for women entering the automotive industry, the program offers comprehensive wrap-around support and post-placement assistance to address potential challenges and facilitate the transition into the workplace. 

Women in Auto (WIA) participants and graduates can also benefit from the additional support provided by ACA. Some of these benefits include out-of-pocket financial assistance for childcare required during the three-week pre-employment program, preparatory training on ‘Working in a Blue-Collar World’, and free access to workshops on ‘Building Your Personal Brand’. 

To best prepare women to take up Apprenticeships in Light Vehicle, Heavy Vehicle, Mobile Plant, and Agricultural mechanics, ACA has also developed a short preparatory course of accredited and non-accredited support modules in conjunction with TAFE NSW, our training partner for the project. 

Women in the program will also have peer-supported placements including gaining exclusive membership into the Women in Auto Alumni group, a supportive network for female apprentices with opportunities such as guest presentations and mentoring sessions conducted by female trade ambassadors. 

Through this initiative, ACA aims to remove social and cultural barriers for women entering the trade and enhance their career opportunities within the Automotive industry in NSW.

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